Set up from a kneeling position, feet together, hands about shoulder width apart. Engage your core ...
Using a pronated grip, grasp the pull bar with a shoulder width grip. Take a deep breath, squeez...
Take a pronated (overhand) grip, hands closer than shoulder width but not completely next to each o...
Set up from a kneeling position, feet together, hands about shoulder width apart. Engage your core ...
Assume a prone position on the floor, supporting your weight on your hands and toes. Hands undernea...
Engage in Controlled Explosive Australian Pull-Ups, a dynamic calisthenics exercise targeting the m...
Controlled Explosive Pull-Ups are a dynamic exercise to enhance upper body strength and power. Star...
Lay on your side with your feet just underneath the bench. Place your top foot on top of the bench,...
Lay on your side with your feet just underneath the bench. Place your top foot on top of the bench,...
Take a wide stand with your feet. Hips and shoulder square, back neutral. Squat to one side, by ...
Take a wide stand with your feet. Hips and shoulder square, back neutral. Squat to one side, by ...
Start in a squat position, and place your hands on the floor about shoulder width apart, arms strai...
Start in a squat position, and place your hands on the floor about shoulder width apart. Go up on...
Position pbars about shoulders width apart. Start in a squat position, and grip the pbars with str...
Lie down on your back. Plant your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Bend your knees and place you...
Lie down on your back. Plant your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Bend your knees and place you...
Lie on your back, head resting on the floor, neck neutral. Extend your arms, pointing to the sky. K...
Use a step or bench to easily reach the bar with your arms. Don't jump straight into a dead hang. ...
Start by laying down on the ground with your arms right next to your body - like a push-up starting...
Start on your hands and knees facing away from a bench. Extend your legs and get your feet onto the...