
614 Exercises Found
Wide handstand against wall

Wide handstand against wall

Face the wall and kick up into a wide handstand position with your hands placed wider than shoulder...

Wide Inverted Row

Wide Inverted Row

Take a pronated (overhand) grip, hands wider than shoulder width apart, position yourself underneat...

Wide muscle up

Wide muscle up

The Wide Muscle-Up is an advanced variation where hands are positioned wider than shoulder-width on...

Wide pull ups

Wide pull ups

Perform Wide Pull-Ups to strengthen your back, arms, and shoulders. Grab a pull-up bar with an over...

Wide Push Up

Wide Push Up

Kneel on the ground as you prepare to get into a Push-Up position. Form a Straight Arm Plank as you...

Wide scapula pull up

Wide scapula pull up

In a wide scapula pull-up, hang from a pull-up bar with a wide overhand grip. Instead of pulling up...

Wide scapula pull up + 5 sec hold

Wide scapula pull up + 5 sec hold

Perform a wide grip scapula pull-up by gripping the bar with your hands wider than shoulder-width a...

Wide scapula pull up hold

Wide scapula pull up hold

In a wide scapula pull-up hold, hang from a bar with a wide grip, keeping arms straight. Retract sh...

Windscreen Wipers

Windscreen Wipers

Hang from a bar, pulling down with your lats and engaging your shoulders. Squeeze your anterior ...

Windshield wipers

Windshield wipers

Hang from a pull-up bar and lift your legs to form an L-shape. Engage your core and rotate your leg...

Wrist Circles

Wrist Circles

Stand with feet shoulder width apart keeping your back straight and face forward. Bring your arms o...

Wrist Extension

Wrist Extension

Sit on the ground on your knees and with your arms in front of you. Point your fingers towards your...

Wrist Flexion

Wrist Flexion

Kneel on the ground, place your hands on the floor, palms facing up and fingers pointing towards ea...

X Crunch

X Crunch

Lie down on your back and start in a hollow body hold position with your arms elevated behind your ...

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