With hands about shoulder width apart, take a supinated grip and hang actively from the bar in a ho...
Jump with a pronated hold straight into a halfway Pull Up position on the bar. Engage your core and...
Start in a standard push up position, your body aligned from ankles to head. Lower your body unt...
Use a stable elevated surface such as a bench, or low bar. Start on your knees and position yours...
Starting in a hands elevated push-up position with your arms positioned on a bar. Have small step b...
Begin in a push up position. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor. As you push up, ...
Execute Tucked Handstand Press Jumps starting in a tucked position. Place your hands on the ground,...
Grip the wall bars with one hand lower and one higher. Lift your body into a tucked position, keepi...
Grip the wall bars with one hand higher and one lower. Jump into a tucked human flag position, enga...
Grip the wall bars with one hand higher and one lower. Tuck your knees to your chest and lift into ...
Begin in a seated position, tucking your knees close to your chest. Place your hands on the ground,...
Start in a tucked human flag position, keeping your knees close to your chest. Engage your core and...
Perfect the Tucked V-Sit Hold in calisthenics. Begin in a seated position, tucking your knees close...
Hang actively from the bar, with hands about shoulder width about and pronated grip. Start by bend...
Place both hands on a pull-up bar with your palms facing away from you. Stand on a box or thick mat...
Before loading practice the movement so it becomes smooth and controlled. Lie on the ground wit...
Take a pronated grip on the rings (palms facing forward) and perform a chin up, rotating the rings ...
Starting in a press-up position with one leg slightly raised, lower yourself to the floor and the p...
Start on the floor on your hands and knees. Lower your forearms to the floor with elbows positioned...
Take a wider than shoulder width grip on the bar and position yourself standing next to the bar whi...