Muscle groups

Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Trapezius, Forearm


Begin in a kneeling position with your forearms on the ground and hands clasped, forming a triangle. Place the crown of your head in the center of the triangle, cradled by your hands. Lift your hips toward the ceiling, straightening your legs and aligning them with your torso. Engage your core muscles to maintain a straight line from head to heels. Find your balance, distributing weight evenly between your head and forearms. Hold the headstand position, breathing steadily and maintaining control. To exit, lower your legs with control, returning to the starting kneeling position.


Start near a wall for support as you learn.
Gradually increase hold duration as strength and balance improve.
Avoid putting excessive pressure on your head and neck; focus on distributing weight through your arms and shoulders.

Movement Group


Required Equipment


Progressions And Regressions
