Muscle groups

Quadriceps, Hamstring, Calves, Glutes


Begin by balancing on one leg, squeeze the glute to help you stabilise. Stand tall, with your elevated leg bent, knee raised at hip height. Your weight should distributed across your foot, don't lean back on your heel.

Reach your arms forward to counterbalance, keep your back neutral & begin hinging at the hips and bending the knee. Grip with your toes and drive your knee forward over the foot, don't let the knee cave inwards.

Keep tension on the glute and hamstring, control the descent. Reach the heel of the free leg behind you and continue as low as comfortable, without letting the other foot touch the floor.

Pause at the bottom, then drive back up, pushing through the ball of your foot. Fully extend the hip, drive the elevated knee through, and squeeze at the top. Drive your arms to your sides to help you generate power.

Repeat for Repetitions. Switch Sides.

Movement Group


Required Equipment
