
597 Exercises Found
Burpee Submarine

Burpee Submarine

Start in a kneeling position, sit back towards your heels, tall spine. Explode upward, bring you...

Burpee with jump

Burpee with jump

Start in the top of a Push Up position, PPT (tuck the tailbone, core engaged) Drive your hands int...

Butterfly Pulses

Butterfly Pulses

Sit up right, bend your knees and bring them out to the sides as your put your feet together. Hold ...

Cable Chop Half Kneeling

Cable Chop Half Kneeling

Secure a band to a fixed point. Set yourself up, with the band on one side of you, in a half kneel...

Calf Raise

Calf Raise

Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Lift your body by pushing into the fronts of your feet,...

Calf Raise Hold

Calf Raise Hold

Stand still on the ground. You can help yourself by holding at some nearby bar or wall. This will b...

Cardio Push Up

Cardio Push Up

Get into a Straight Arm Plank position, with protracted scapulas and a posterior pelvic tilt engage...

Cat Camel

Cat Camel

Start in a quadruped position, hands under the shoulders & knees under the hips, spine neutral. ...

Chest to bar pull ups

Chest to bar pull ups

Engage in Chest to Bar Pull-Ups for a challenging upper body workout. Begin by hanging from a pull-...

Chest Wall Stretch

Chest Wall Stretch

Stand by a wall/bar and place the palm of one of your hands on it, at about shoulder height. Your ...

Child Pose

Child Pose

Sit back onto your heels, from a kneeling position. Knees should be out to your sides so that you c...

Child Pose Pulses

Child Pose Pulses

Sit back onto your heels, from a kneeling position. Knees should be out to your sides so that you c...

Chin Up

Chin Up

Grab the pull-up bar with the palms facing your torso and a grip closer than the shoulder width. ...

Chin Up 90 Degree Hold

Chin Up 90 Degree Hold

Start in a regular chin-up position. Grab the bar with your arms a bit wider than your shoulders. ...

Chin Up Hold

Chin Up Hold

Grasp an overhead bar using an overhand grip (palms down. Keep your back straight and legs slightly...

Chin Up Negative

Chin Up Negative

Stand on the steps of a chin-up machine or place a bench under a under a chin-up bar. Grasp bar wit...

Clapping Dip

Clapping Dip

Stand between a set of parallel bars. Place a hand on each bar, and then take a small jump to help ...

Clapping Pull Up

Clapping Pull Up

Grab onto the pull up bar with both hands a little wider the shoulder width. Pull yourself up un...

Clap Push Up

Clap Push Up

Begin in the up position of a push-up: arms extended, back and neck in a straight line, and core ti...

Clock Push Up

Clock Push Up

Begin in the Push Up position. Hands about shoulder width apart, in posterior pelvic tilt (Tuck you...

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